Dr Alan Thornhill

One of the UK’s leading specialists in preimplantation genetics and clinical embryology, Dr Alan Thornhill joined Bridge as Scientific Director following periods as Director of Andrology, IVF and PGD laboratories at Mayo Clinic, USA, and Scientific Director of the London Fertility Centre. Alan is a state-registered clinical scientist, HFEA recognized human embryo biopsy practitioner and board-certified high complexity laboratory director (American Board of Bioanalysis).

He is currently Director of Bridge Genoma, the UK’s first independent laboratory dedicated to providing preimplantation genetic tests to patients and partner clinics. With an Honorary academic appointment as a Reader in Reproductive Genetics at the University of Kent at Canterbury he maintains active research interests in the areas of Preimplantation Genetic Testing,  Reproductive Pharmacogenetics and the Genetics of Male and Female Infertility. Alan has published over 100 published articles on fertility and genetics, is regularly invited to speak at national and international conferences and makes frequent contributions to the broadcast and print media.

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