Jon Chase

A science communicator with an educational background in Aerospace engineering and Science & Science Fiction.

Being involved in various public outreach projects within the UK, his current work involves the use of Rap music and multimedia to broaden public access to scientific knowledge and culture.  He has performed at the London Science Museum and The Royal Institution as well as visiting schools in South Wales to engage children with science through music.  His ‘Astrobiology Rap’ was a hit on Youtube gaining him international recognition. 

High on his agenda is to explore and make use of the informal ways in which the public learn about and relate to the Universe and our place in it.

Related Sessions
Friday 23 October 2009, 8.00pm Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London

Festival Buzz
Particle Physics is Sexy

View: Particle Physics is Sexy

"What makes these sessions much more stimulating than most seminars is the sharp, often challenging contributions from the audience so that you have a real debate, not just a platform presentation."
Richard Donkin, independent journalist and author