Big Potatoes

BIG POTATOES: The London Manifesto for Innovation is a contribution to improving the climate for innovation globally, authored by Norman Lewis, Nico Macdonald, Alan Patrick, Martyn Perks, Mitchell Sava and James Woudhuysen. The Manifesto will be publicly launched shortly and, urgently, we want your responses to it.

Over the next few months with a number of partners we will also be hosting public discussions and debates around the themes of the Manifesto, including a launch event, in London and beyond. And during the forthcoming UK general election we will be challenging those who propose to lead us out of recession to respond to the Manifesto principles. Later in the year we will publish an updated Manifesto, having determined the scope of the challenge we face and started to change the culture around and climate for innovation globally.

Festival Buzz

Parliament: Reform or Revolution?

"The Battle of Ideas is where we can step out boldly where the angels – or should that be demons – of conventionality fear to tread."
Nicky Charlish, participant, 2009