Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Politics & Ideology

The deadlock of identity essentialism
There is a problem with an Americanised kind of identity politics which essentialises identity. And it seems as if the student movement is going to face this dilemma in its future organising.
Richard Seymour, Lenin's Tomb, 26 March 2015

Would Britain thrive outside the EU?
Szu Ping Chan, The Telegraph, 25 March 2015

I'm taking on the Establishment and they hate me for it
Nigel Farage on consensus, conformism and the virtue of dissent.
Brendan O'Neill, spiked, 9 March 2015

ISIS's very modern war on the past
It is not just the museum-destroying Islamic State that yearns for a Year Zero.
Frank Furedi, spiked, 9 March 2015

Kashmir: Can new government provide healing touch?
The alliance between India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the regional People's Democratic Party (PDP) to govern Indian-administered Kashmir is the most hopeful development in the region in a quarter of a century
Sumantra Bose, BBC, 3 March 2015

Twenty somethings, call off the generational Jihad
Tom Slater, 23, calls for an end to pity-me yoof politics.
Tom Slater, spiked, 27 February 2015

Syriza’s compromise: a revolution betrayed?
Begging its creditors for more money won’t liberate Greece.
Nikos Sotirakopoulos, spiked, 26 February 2015

Identity politics has created an army of vicious, narcissistic cowards
The more we've made the personal political, the more we define our social and political outlook with reference to what’s in our underpants or what colour our skin is, the more we experience every criticism of our beliefs as an attack on our very personhood, our souls, our right to exist.
Brendan O'Neill, Spectator, 19 February 2015

Why Is The Green Party So Successful Among British Youths?
Lucy Sherriff, Huffington Post, 9 February 2015

Young people need a meaningful education in politics
To see a dramatic change in youth voter turnout, investment needs to be made in political education in schools; not hashtags and advertising
Kate Crowhurst, Telegraph, 2 February 2015

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Festival Buzz

Stealing Picasso? - Sandy Starr - Law needs to be tailored to digital

"Intellectually stimulating - an answer to those who despair of the next generation."
Professor Stanley Feldman, retired doctor and academic