Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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California's drought is not getting better but experts look to startups for ideas
State officials are trying everything from serving less water in restaurants and doing less laundry at hotels to a $1bn emergency relief plan unveiled on Thursday. But experts warn all of that and much more will still be required to deal with byproducts of the drought
Andy Meek, Guardian, 22 March 2015

Give us the freedom to build our own homes
We need 260,000 new homes a year, and officials won’t build them.
James Heartfield, spiked, March 2015

The sharing economy: poverty of ambition
A lot of what is called Sharing is not really Sharing, Much of what is claimed to be new about the Sharing Economy is not really new, and the Sharing Economy, however defined, is not a solution to the big economic problems we face.
Rob Killick, UK After the Recession, 20 February 2015

India’s marvellous mission to Mars
Sadhvi Sharma, spiked, 20 November 2014

Fattigdom snart ett minne blott
Det är väl belagt att bistånd tenderar att försämra förutsättningarna för utveckling, att det bidrar till korruption och väpnade konflikter.
Fredrik Segerfeldt, SVT, 3 November 2014

Making sense of the UK collaborative economy
The launch of a new report that considers the progress and potential of the UK's collaborative economy
NESTA, September 2014

Explaining white privilege to a broke white person
Gina Crosley-Corcoran, Huffington Post, 5 August 2014

Why We’re in a New Gilded Age
Thomas Piketty has led a revolution in our understanding of long-term trends in inequality.
Paul Krugman, New York Review of Books, 8 May 2014

How Airbnb and Lyft Finally Got Americans to Trust Each Other
The sharing economy has come on so quickly and powerfully that regulators and economists are still grappling to understand its impact. But one consequence is already clear: Many of these companies have us engaging in behaviors that would have seemed unthinkably foolhardy as recently as five years ago.
Jason Tanz, Wired, 23 April 2014

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Festival Buzz

Can GM crops feed the world - Thomas Deichmann

"Disagreement has never felt more important and more enjoyable than at Battle of Ideas."
Jess Search, Chief executive, Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation