Oriana Pound

Oriana Pound is a director at PwC with responsibility for market issues and thought leadership. This includes leading a number of research, event and award programmes.  She previously led public relations for the firm.

Oriana has over 25 years experience in corporate communications, reputation and issues management and business development, primarily in professional and financial services, with significant experience of working internationally as well as in the UK. 

She has an undergraduate degree in modern languages from the University of Southampton, a postgraduate marketing degree and a masters in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy in Boston, USA.

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Saturday 30 October 2010, 10.00am Upper Gulbenkian Gallery

Festival Buzz

China & India: Catching Up With the West?

"I was stunned at the incisive level of debate, the packed venues, the calibre of the panellists and audience... getting out for face-to-face intelligent, gritty and gloves-off exchanges of views."
Humphrey Hawksley, BBC World Affairs Correspondent