Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

Choose a theme from the listing on the left to narrow your search, or view all readings.

Technology & The City

Energy Source
Daily insight into the financial, economic and policy aspects of energy and the environment.
Tom Burgis, Financial Times

Biography of Buckminster Fuller
Hailed as "one of the greatest minds of our times, R. Buckminster Fuller was renowned for his comprehensive perspective on the world's problems
Buckminster Fuller Institute,

Reality Bytes: Eight Myths about Video Games debunked
A large gap exists between the public's perception of video games and what the research actually shows. The following is an attempt to separate fact from fiction.
Henry Jenkins, PBS

What's in a game?
Interview with Derek Robertson on his use of new technologies to enhance students’ maths attainment.

Why are emerging economies an issue for design?
Are emerging economies using design strategically enough, and if they are, does this pose a threat to UK designers? Or does it present opportunities for our design industry?
Design Council

Transportation in Science Fiction
Sci Fi transport as you read about it first.

U TXTng 2 me? Young people, mobiles and social networking
spiked/o2 online debate
spiked, September 2006 - November 2006

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"The energy, verve and enthusiasm at The Battle of Ideas filled me with hope. Coming from India where so many people still lack the basic necessities that make human life worth living, it was heartening to see basic issues of equity and justice debated with such passion and fervour."
George Thomas, orthopaedic surgeon; editor, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics

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