Christopher Cook

Christopher Cook began his career in television, producing for BBC 2 and Channel 4 and he broadcasts regularly on BBC Radios 3, 5 and the World Service . He teaches Cultural Studies for the University of Syracuse on their London Programme, courses on ‘Theatre and Culture” and the ‘History of Theatre’ for the British American Drama Academy, Christopher is a Visiting Professor at the University of the Arts, London.

A regular contributor to BBC Music Magazine and International Record Review who has also written for The Gramophone, he chairs pre-concert events for the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the Hallé Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Study Evenings at the Royal Opera House where he also interviews for their In Conversation … programmes. This season he will again be chairing all of ENO’s pre-performance events. Christopher was the Director of the Cheltenham Festival of Literature in 2004 and is currently Chair of the Cheltenham Music Festival.

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