Linda Bellos

Linda Bellos has a long track record of championing equality and human rights across the four nations of the UK. She worked in the public sector for many years. She has held positions as chair of many voluntary sector bodies. Now she runs her own company, EDHR Solutions, which specialises in equality, diversity and human rights training and online learning, consultancy, conflict resolution and much more. Clients include government departments, police services, HM Inspectorates, NHS bodies, local authorities and social landlords.

Linda is a guest contributor on equality and diversity topics to many television and radio programmes. She is in considerable demand as a keynote speaker, conference chair.

In 2009, Linda was elected chair of the Institute of Equality and Diversity Practitioners. In 2007, she was awarded an OBE for her services to diversity. In 1986, Linda was elected Leader of Lambeth Council, one of the first Black women to gain such a position. In the mid 1980s, she introduced Black History Month during her tenure as chair of the London Strategic Policy Unit. In 1981, Linda was the first Black woman to join the Spare Rib feminist collective. She was vice-chair of the 1980s campaign to select Black candidates within the Labour Party.

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"I travel far to participate in the BOI; it’s a unique festival of free speech and debate that consistently combines energy, fearlessness and provocation with thoughtful, informed consideration of contemporary politics and culture."
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