Pawel Kukiz

Pawel Kukiz, born in 1963, is one of the Polish leading rock musicians and is also an actor.  Founder of a number of rock bands, among them CDN, Aya RL, Hak and the most popular: Piersi (Breasts).  As a part-time actor, he has performed in 12 full length feature and documentary movies.  He has also co-hosted a television program on Channel 1 of Polish TV.

A vocal anti-communist, he is an outspoken critique on many social issues.

In 2010 Pawel was involved in actively opposing the Europride parade in Warsaw. He declares himself as “pro-life” and in 2010 supported the Independence Parade organized by Mlodziez Wszechpolska and Oboz Narodowo-Radykalny, two radical, right-wing organizations, cherishing Polish traditional, national values.

Pawel Kukiz describes himself as a maverick and an independent.

Related Sessions
Thursday 3 November 2011, 7.00pm Galeria Domu Artysty Plastyka, ul. Mazowiecka 11A, 00-052 Warszawa, Poland

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