Gabriel Sahlgren

Gabriel H. Sahlgren is Director of Research at The Centre for Market Reform of Education and Research Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs. He recently published the book Incentivising excellence: school choice and education quality, which discusses the conditions that need to prevail for choice to produce higher quality and analyses a vast amount of research on this topic. He is also the author of the paper Schooling for money: Swedish education reform and the role of the profit motive, for which he was awarded the Arthur Seldon Award for Excellence.

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Sunday 20 October 2013, 10.30am Pit Theatre

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"To contribute to Battle of Ideas is to add a few words to a giant, communal speech-bubble out of the gap-toothed mouth of British opinion. It is a strong reminder that the joys of free, uncalculated speech and the right to attack orthodoxies can in no way be assumed in 2012 – that we use them or lose them."
Piers Hellawell, composer; professor of composition, Queen’s University Belfast

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