
As a global company, operating in over 60 countries worldwide, SABMiller is delighted to be sponsoring this year’s Battle of Ideas. The issues debated are not unique to the UK. They are global. Capitalism, art, philosophy, the impact of emerging markets, current affairs, sport and parenting are all issues which touch people in one way or another throughout the world. I have no doubt that every participant will come away from the event armed with new ideas and a fresh perspective on many of the tough global issues that touch our lives everyday.

Graham Mackay, Chief Executive, SABMiller

Growth is good: mission or mania?

"Although 'battle' suggests destruction, these were some of the most constructive debates I've taken part in. This was civilised conflict in the best sense of both words."
Julian Baggini, author, Welcome to Everytown: A Journey into the English Mind, and The Ego Trick

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