Annabel Mullin
PhD researcher, UCL Institute of Education; Lib Dem Parliamentary spokesperson for Kensington
Annabel has spent most of her adult life working in the criminal justice system, with brief spells in the private sector. Her employment history includes working as a Met. police officer in Soho and Mayfair, acting as an assistant psychologist on acute and forensic mental health wards, and more recently as a PhD researcher specialising in patterns of criminal behaviour at UCL Institute of Education in Bloomsbury. Alongside this, she is actively involved with the Liberal Democrats, running most recently in the London GLA Elections.
For Annabel, being part of the EU is in her DNA, and she is grateful to represent and be part of the wholeheartedly pro-EU party. Providing an opposition is crucial, particularly with the current rapidly changing political landscape.
Follow Annabel on Twitter: @quantpsych
Saturday 22 October, 17.30 Frobisher 4-6
Real-life Archers: policing and domestic violence