Nick Smithers
independent social worker; former national development officer for Abused Men in Scotland

Nick worked as a father’s worker in an economically deprived area of Edinburgh for five years. Realising that many of the problems that were being experienced by families he was working with were institutional, he joined forces with other workers who were particularly concerned by systemic barriers to men’s involvement in family life. Fathers Network Scotland was born, and Nick remains a director of the organisation behind the Year of the Dad campaign currently ongoing and supported by the Scottish Government.

After carrying out research on father’s experience of child protection which stimulated debate around gender, social work and domestic abuse policy, Nick took on the role of national development officer for Abused Men in Scotland. This project, funded by the Scottish Government, lasted for over three years. The experience of being a frequently lone voice speaking up for male victims of abuse has provided a unique insight into the policy and practice landscape around domestic abuse. Having been closely involved in legislative developments and policy implementation during this time, Nick is currently practising as an independent social worker.

Follow Nick on Twitter: @nickysmithers


Saturday 22 October, 17.30 Frobisher 4-6
Real-life Archers: policing and domestic violence