Christopher Lynch
trainee English teacher; associate editor, Convocamus

Chris is a participant in the prestigious graduate scheme, Teach First, which trains outstanding graduates in deprived schools across the country whilst they teach full-time. A graduate of Cambridge University, where he studied Philosophy, and Edinburgh where he read Intellectual History, Chris is keenly interested in philosophy, politics, literature, science, reading, current affairs, and whiskey. He’s typically to be found in a bar discussing the finer details of Heidegger with anyone willing to listen. Chris has worked as an intern for current affairs magazine spiked and as a correspondent for the Cambridge Student, Middle East Eye and the Guardian. When not buried in a book, Chris also works as a publication convenor and office volunteer for the British Humanist Association, where he is involved with educational projects concerning humanism, inclusion in education, ritual and non-religious ceremonies. He has worked as a tutor, a school visitor for the Cambridge University Access Scheme, and is currently Associate Editor of interfaith student journal Convocamus, for which he is keen to recruit budding undergraduates. Chris currently teaches English and Drama at a comprehensive school in Derbyshire.


Sunday 23 October, 16.00 Cinema 3
Death and the meaning of life