Kirsty Styles
talent and skills programme lead, Tech North

Kirsty Styles spent five years working as a journalist and campaigner in East London and beyond with a focus on ‘tech for good’ assignments.

She recently left London to join Tech North to lead its skills and talent programme working across seven UK cities on our ‘digital skills crisis’. Before this, Kirsty was editor of NS Tech, the New Statesman’s new enterprise technology website, a reporter at The Next Web and editor at Tech City News.

She also launched and presented the New Economics Foundation’s chart-topping Weekly Economics Podcast for two years.

Follow Kirsty on Twitter: @kirstystyles1


Sunday 23 October, 10.00 Garden Room
Britain’s infrastructure: the road to nowhere?

Sunday 23 October, 17.30 Garden Room
Is utopian thinking dead? Attitudes to the future