Richard Brooks
vice-president union development, National Union of Students

Richard Brooks was re-elected at National Conference 2016 having served as vice president Union Development in 2015-2016. In his opening speech to delegates at Students Unions 2016, Richard will share his vision for the upcoming year and introduce the theme for the conference.

Richard has previously been president of Hull University Union, having enjoyed and been challenged by a series of important developments for the organisation. He describes his love for the city of Hull as “weirdly powerful” and as HUU president Richard campaigned on issues including housing, student opportunities and transport.

Outside of the student movement Richard enjoys watching Liverpool Football Club and playing the Ukulele, not necessarily at the same time.

Follow Richard on Twitter: @Just_RichardB


Saturday 22 October, 14.00 Frobisher Auditorium 2
Are the millennials revolting?