Dr Justyna Melonowska
philosopher and psychologist; columnist, Więź

Justyna Melonowska holds a PhD in philosophy (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), but is also a psychologist at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. She works as an assistant professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, is a member of the European Society of Women in Theological Research, a member of the “Więź” Laboratory – a Christian think-tank and a research centre – and a columnist at an intellectual quarterly review, Więź. Her articles were also published in Tygodnik Powszechny – a Polish Catholic weekly – and Kultura Liberalna.

Her research interests focus on the philosophy of personalism, subjectivity in the contemporary Christian writings, and on religious leadership. She is the author of the monograph ‘Osob(n)a: Kobieta a personalizm Karola Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II. Doktryna i rewizja’ (‘Woman and the personalism of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II. Doctrine and revision’) recently published by the Difin publishing house.


Wednesday 28 September, 18.00 Państwomiasto, ul. Andersa 29 00-159, Warszawa
Abortion: whose life, whose choice?