Gemma Fox
managing director, North Wales Women’s Centre

Gemma has been the driving force behind the North Wales Women’s Centre and its development. Starting in 2001 as an IT training project for 140 women, Gemma went on to secure funding to develop a one-stop shop for women in West Rhyl, the most deprived ward in Wales. The Centre has evolved to provide support, training and interventions for women from all backgrounds and situations.

Gemma has overseen the development of services from three staff in 2001 to 15 staff today, supported by 40 volunteers, and has brought more than £5million of resources to North Wales to empower more than 3,000 women to improve their lives.

Follow Gemma on Twitter: @northwaleswomen


Saturday 22 October, 17.30 Frobisher 4-6
Real-life Archers: policing and domestic violence