Dr Jean-Marc Dreyfus
reader in history and Holocaust studies, University of Manchester

Jean-Marc Dreyfus is reader in history and in Holocaust studies at the University of Manchester (History Division). He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for European Studies, Harvard and the Centre Marc-Bloch in Berlin. His research considers the Holocaust and genocides, Jewish history in Europe and post-mass violence exhumations and identification of corpses. He has recently edited a special issue of the European Review of History, on ‘Traces, memory and the Holocaust in the writings of WG Sebald. He is the co-organizer (with Elisabeth Anstett) of the ERC research programme ‘Corpses of mass violence and genocide’ (www.corpsesofmassviolence.eu). He currently holds a senior research fellowship from the British Academy.


Saturday 22 October, 17.30 Pit Theatre
Anti-Semitism revisited