Dr Piers Benn
philosopher; author, Commitment and Ethics; visiting lecturer in ethics, Heythrop College, London and Fordham University, New York

Piers Benn is a Visiting Lecturer in ethics at Heythrop College, University of London and Fordham University New York. He has previously lectured in philosophy at the universities of Leicester, St. Andrews and Leeds, followed by medical ethics at Imperial College London and King’s College London. His many interests include philosophy of religion, ethics and philosophy of psychiatry, with a particular focus on problems raised by sociopathy and addiction.

During the 1990s he organised seminars for students in Poland and the Czech Republic, in collaboration with host institutions struggling to rebuild education after the communist period. He writes for both academic and wider audiences and has made several appearances on the British media, including Night Waves (Radio 3), The Moral Maze (Radio 4), News Hour (BBC World Service), Channel Four News and Sky News.


Saturday 22 October, 16.00 Pit Theatre
Bodily autonomy: my body, my choice?

Sunday 23 October, 14.00 Cinema 3
Empathy and sentimentality: the rise of virtue signalling