Thomas Hylland Eriksen
professor of social anthropology, University of Oslo; novelist; author, Ethnicity and Nationalism and Globalization: the key concepts

Thomas Hylland Eriksen is a social anthropologist specialising in the study of complex societies, and he has published extensively on globalisation, identity politics, nationalism and ethnicity, as well as several widely used textbooks in anthropology. He also contributes regularly to the press in Scandinavia, and has written books, largely in Norwegian, on a broad variety of topics, ranging from selfishness to rubbish.

Thomas is currently directing a research project focusing on what he calls ‘overheating’, that is accelerated change due to globalisation and local responses to it, with a particular emphasis on the economy, the environment and identity.

He has published many books in Norwegian and English, including Small Places, Large Issues (London 1995/2010), Ethnicity and Nationalism (London 1993/2010), Globalization: The Key Concepts (Oxford 2007) and Engaging Anthropology (Oxford 2006). His second novel, Veien til Barranquilla (The road to Barranquilla), was published in 2012.


Thursday 24 November, 18.00 Norsk design- og arkitektursenter (DOGA), Hausmanns gate 16, 0182 Oslo, Norway
Boundaries and frontiers: What is the meaning of borders today?