Dr Stuart Waiton

Dr Stuart Waiton is a sociology and criminology lecturer at Abertay University and is author of Scared of the Kids: curfews crime and the regulation of young people, The Politics of Antisocial Behaviour: Amoral Panics and his latest book is entitled Snobs Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance.

Key themes explored by Stuart Waiton are the changing relationships between adults and young people, the growing ‘generation gap’ and the fear of young people, crime and antisocial behaviour that exists within communities. Dr Waiton is also interested in the changing nature of the family and the changing relationship between the family and the state. Most particularly this work examines the rise and rise of ‘early intervention’ as a key social policy development.

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Thursday 15 October 2009, 6.30pm Leeds
Sunday 1 November 2009, 1.45pm Student Union

Snobs’ Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance (Take a Liberty, 2012)
The politics of antisocial behaviour: amoral panics (Routledge, 2007)
Scared of kids? Curfews, crime and the regulation of young people (Perpetuity Press 2001)

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View: Each to his iPod or Great Music For All

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Richard Donkin, independent journalist and author