Warwick Lightfoot

Warwick Lightfoot is an economist with specialist interests in monetary economics, public finance and labour markets. He was Special Adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1989 to 1992 and to the Secretary of State for Employment between 1987 and 1989. His many articles on economics and public policy have appeared in the Wall Street Journal and specialist publications that range from the TLS to International Economy and the Financial World. He published Managing Financial Crises in 2003. Warwick has been a London Borough councillor representing Holland ward for over 20 years. He is currently Kensington and Chelsea’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for Police and Community Safety and preparations for the 2012 Olympics. For most of his time in local government, Warwick specialised in social services and he has a particular interest in mental health policy. In 2007 he ran in the Conservative London Primary to select his party’s candidate for Mayor of London.

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Saturday 16 May 2009, 10.05am The Great Hall

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"The Battle of Ideas goes from strength to strength. The intensity, variety and depth of debate, sustained for an entire weekend, makes for a unique experience charging the intellectual batteries for the rest of the year."
Raymond Tallis, emeritus professor of geriatric medicine, Manchester University