Molly Scott Cato
Member of European Parliament for the Green Party; author, The Bioregional Economy
Molly is a Green MEP for South West England, an area that is has a large farming sector particularly focused on the dairy sector. Molly is a member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs committee where she has worked on issues including TTIP, antibiotic resistance, and food security in Africa and Latin America.
Molly is also an economist and is involved in debates about strengthening local economies and building resilience into local communities. In her most recent book, The Bioregional Economy (2012), she sketches a future economy where the maximum happiness is bought for the minimum energy. More practically, she was part of a group that set up the Stroud Pound, is a member of Stroud Community Agriculture, and worked with Transition Stroud.
Follow Molly on Twitter: @mollymep
Saturday 22 October, 16.00 Garden Room
How will we feed Britain after Brexit?