Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Politics & Ideology

What does the Lib Dem membership surge mean for the struggling party?
The Liberal Democrats have increased their membership by 30 per cent since the election, even though they now only have eight MPs. But can they turn members into votes?
Barbara Speed, New Statesman, 17 June 2015

The British State’s silent war on religion
Frank Furedi, spiked, June 2015

Exploding the myth of radicalisation
Blaming some young Brits' attraction to ISIS on online grooming is a fudge.
Frank Furedi, spiked, 16 June 2015

The British State's silent war on religion
The authorities’ attack on religious schools is an affront to a tolerant society
Frank Furedi, spiked, 9 June 2015

A Queen’s speech by the continuity party
Mick Hume, spiked, 28 May 2015

Young people want a future, not freebies
But when it comes to young voters, self-interest doesn’t sell: we want a vision for society.
Carola Binney , The Spectator, 30 April 2015

If Russell Brand is pushing 40, who represents the actual youth?
My generation has cannibalised youth culture, but we can never represent it politically. No wonder the young are alienated from the ballot box
Suzanne Moore, Guardian, 29 April 2015

Why are we still listening to the 1916 Secret Seven?
You treat the 1916 Proclamation as Holy Writ at your peril
Ruth Dudley Edwards, Irish Independent, 19 April 2015

India’s BR Ambedkar would have abhorred the politics of Narendra Modi
As the Indian PM honours the author of the country’s constitution, the social and political inequality that Ambedkar campaigned against is as rampant as ever
Vijay Prashad, Guardian, 14 April 2015

What would make young people get interested in politics?
Young people don’t join political parties because they offer real change. If they join at all, it’s because it’s a great joke to tell their friends.
Rys Farthing and Alex Hudson, New Statesman, 9 April 2015

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"In a world which is becoming increasingly hostile to non-conformist positions the Battle of Ideas remains the flagship of free thinking."
John Cooper, leading barrister and writer