Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Lifestyle & Society

Last orders for the British Boozers
Going to a pub was a way for young people, pints in hand, to learn to behave like adults. No more.
Neil Davenport, spiked, 3 September 2013

Artistic intervention in public sphere, conflict and urban informality
Artistic intervention in cultural districts can help bring vitality to cities.
Pedro Costa and Ricardo Lopes, International RC21 Conference, 2013, August 2013

Domestic violence is falling. Why aren't people celebrating?
A man with a hammer sees a world full of nails, Buckminster Fuller said. Keir Starmer sees a world full of domestic violence, because he is out to stop it.
James Heartfield, spiked, 11 July 2013

It's time to boost ethnic minority representation in the media
Samantha Asumadu, Guardian, 8 July 2013

Price of City away tickets is a parable for our age
In football you see some of the worst aspects of the rapacious capitalism that has driven people on to the streets in protest around the world
Simon Kelner, Independent, 11 January 2013

Agricultural Mountain by Grupo IUT
Spanish collective Grupo IUT built a tower of straw bales on the outskirts of Guimarães in Portugal
De Zeen Magazine, 27 December 2012

On the legalisation of drugs
Living in a civilized society means accepting laws that we didn’t make.
City Journal, 5 December 2012

Page Three Girls and porn-again feminists
It really is sad that so many feminists get their knickers in a twist about the Sun’s topless beauties.
Jennie Bristow, spiked, 22 November 2012

What happened to the caring professions?
The Tory drive to make teachers and carers chase after statistics has hindered rather than helped
Alka Sehgal Cuthbert, Independent, 29 October 2012

There's a new species of prohibitionism on the rise
Instead of an outright ban on activities deemed "undesirable" - like getting off your head on booze - the state is trying to render them socially inacceptable
Jason Smith, Independent, 15 October 2012

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Festival Buzz
Each to his iPod or Great Music For All

View: Each to his iPod or Great Music For All

"What makes these sessions much more stimulating than most seminars is the sharp, often challenging contributions from the audience so that you have a real debate, not just a platform presentation."
Richard Donkin, independent journalist and author