Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Health & Well-being

Get off the couch!
Dr Michael Fitzpatrick, spiked, 13 November 2006

Playing Balls - why are men becoming obsessed with their health?
Britain's National Men's Health Week in June 2006 kicked off in London with the opening of the 'Dick Monologues', a show in which 'men were invited to stand up and discuss their relationship with their penis and anything else that springs to mind – including mental health issues and what has worked for them'.
Michael Fitzpatrick, Battles in Print, 2006

Should childhood come with a health warning?
Helene Guldberg, spiked, 13 September 2006

What role for complimentary medicine in treating cancer?
Professor Michael Baum, spiked, 4 July 2006

Conscientious objection in medicine
Deeply held religious beliefs may conflict with some aspects of medical practice. But doctors cannot make moral judgments on behalf of patients
Julian Savulescu, BMJ, 6 February 2006

A diet of misinformation
John Luik, co-author of Diet Nation, tells Rob Lyons that the obesity panic is being fattened by savvy interest groups and junk science.
spiked, 26 January 2006

Temperance: Its history and impact on current and future alcohol policy
Concluding that the history of temperance offers many options for the present, this report explores the culture of drinking, and how it could be changed. In the past, temperance helped create an ethos which would now be called ‘social capital’. The report explores whether this culture can be brought up to date.
Virginia Berridge , Joseph Rowentree Foundation, 24 November 2005

Safeguarding Children: Early Intervention and Surveillance in a Late Modern Society

This new text by a recognized authority offers a clear, invigorating and theoretically sophisticated commentary on child abuse and child welfare policy

Nigel Parton, Palgrave Macmillan, 20 September 2005

A licence to bash the masses
The only debate over Britain's licensing laws is about how to keep pissed proles in their place.
Brendan O’Neill, spiked, 11 August 2005

Health Obsessions
Transcript of opening plenary speech at the Health: An Unhealthy Obsession? conference.
Frank Furedi, Academy of Ideas, 12 February 2005

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Festival Buzz
Particle Physics is Sexy

View: Particle Physics is Sexy

"It alerts me to new areas of debate, and gives thought-provoking new angles on topics I thought I already knew well. Altogether it's a wonderful intellectual tonic, which cheers up the dog days of November."
Ivan Hewett, music critic, Daily Telegraph