Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Recent Readings

China deal: a new day for Africa
The recent acquisition by China's largest bank of 20% of South Africa's Standard Bank is a watershed event in the growing relationship between China and the development of the African continent.
John Battersby,

Manifesto for Competitive Sport
A Manifesto for the reintroduction of competition in schools by a tennis coach
Dan Travis, Manifesto Club

Juries in Cases of Serious and Complex Fraud
We have been debating the use of juries in complex fraud trials on and off for 20 years. However, the discharge of the jury in the Jubilee Line corruption trial, after sitting for 18 months without returning verdicts, has put the question back under the spotlight.
George Staple QC, The Barrister

Humanitarian intervention
I believe that the increasing tendency of states to intervene in others’ affairs, and the idea that it is right and legitimate for them to do so is a very dangerous trend.
Philip Cunliffe, The Browser

Database master class
This is a blog project designed to give you your very own cut-out'n'keep guide to all of the children's databases
Action on Rights for Children

Human rights win wider recognition in Britain
The issue of human rights is becoming part of our everyday lives, though public perception of what it means can often still remain hazy
Jason Bennetto, Guardian

Reality Bytes: Eight Myths about Video Games debunked
A large gap exists between the public's perception of video games and what the research actually shows. The following is an attempt to separate fact from fiction.
Henry Jenkins, PBS

Over the next 50 years, Brazil, Russia, India and China—the BRICs economies—could become a much larger force in the world economy. We map out GDP growth, income per capita and currency movements in the BRICs economies until 2050.
Goldman Sachs

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Festival Buzz
Particle Physics is Sexy

View: Particle Physics is Sexy

"It alerts me to new areas of debate, and gives thought-provoking new angles on topics I thought I already knew well. Altogether it's a wonderful intellectual tonic, which cheers up the dog days of November."
Ivan Hewett, music critic, Daily Telegraph