Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Politics & Ideology

20 03 10: Vote for what?

20 03 10: Evidence-based policy

20 03 10: They know what we're thinking?

09 11 09: America, Obama and the recession

04 11 09: Post-recession ideologies

01 11 09: The Good Society: virtues for a post-recession world

01 11 09: Nudge, Nudge, Nag, Nag: the new politics of behaviour

31 10 09: Three's a crowd: Reproduction and Population

31 10 09: Activist Revival or aimless hyper-activism?


"The Battle of Ideas is a must for any individual who cares about the issues of today. It is the most intelligent and stimulating forum to share ideas I have ever come across."
Clare Gerada, GP; chair-elect, Royal College of General Practitioners

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