Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Science & Environment

21 10 12: Free will: just an illusion?

21 10 12: Born this way?

30 10 11: Sex in the brain: do men and women think differently?

30 10 11: Is there a ghost in the machine?

30 10 11: Fracking and Fukushima: our energy security fears

30 10 11: Designer people: is technology making us less human?

30 10 11: Smart drugs: magic bullet or cheating ourselves?

30 10 11: Life off Earth: are the aliens out there?

29 10 11: What's innovation good for?


"A truly original battle with a great deal at stake as opposed to a reassuring renactment of old arguments. I felt refreshed rather than entrenched afterwards."
Damian Barr, columnist, writer, playwright, salonierre

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