Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Liberty & Law

02 11 08: Adopting Orthodoxies - John Harris

02 11 08: Too Many Laws? - John Cooper - Judges should fix bad laws

02 11 08: Whose data is it anyway - Jeffrey Rosen

02 11 08: From Fatwa to Jihad: Kenan Malik - minority groups and identity

02 11 08: From Fatwa to Jihad: Kenan Malik

02 11 08: From Fatwa to Jihad: Kenan Malik - Rushdie's effect on publishing industry

02 11 08: Whose Data Is it Anyway?

01 11 08: Caught in the Web - Jo Glanville

01 11 08: Caught in the Web - Rob Killick


"The Battle of Ideas was a great success; it enabled large numbers of people to hear and interact with well-known speakers who have thought about and contributed significantly to the discussions of many important issues."
Richard Swinburne, emeritus professor, philosophy of religion, University of Oxford; author, 'The Existence of God and The Evolution of the Soul'

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