Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Lifestyle & Society

The deadlock of identity essentialism
There is a problem with an Americanised kind of identity politics which essentialises identity. And it seems as if the student movement is going to face this dilemma in its future organising.
Richard Seymour, Lenin's Tomb, 26 March 2015

The newspeak of gender neutral pronouns
Rather than reducing the English language to pale neutrality, let’s enrich it.
Michael Cook, spiked, 18 March 2015

On the threat to vapers and vaping in Sweden
Vaping with nicotine in Sweden is now de jure banned following a recent court ruling.
Atakan Befrits, Nicotine Science and Policy, 16 March 2015

Analyse this: Why it never hurts to look at the data
Numbers do have their place in cricket, but you should not let them overrule your instincts and undermine your responsibility
Andrew Strauss, The Sunday Times, 15 March 2015

Britain needs fewer pubs, top cop suggests
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, says Britain's licensing system needs reform if we are to tackle alcohol fuelled violence
Martin Evans, The Telegraph, 12 March 2015

I'm taking on the Establishment and they hate me for it
Nigel Farage on consensus, conformism and the virtue of dissent.
Brendan O'Neill, spiked, 9 March 2015

Report / Lisbon: valuing the public realm
Lisbon is now giving to investment in the city’s public spaces and associated facilities, despite severe economic austerity and resource constraints.
Katy Hawkinson, Academy of Urbanism, 6 March 2015

The fall of the public sphere
Political elites have denigrated and abandoned the public.
Angus Kennedy, spiked, March 2015

Binge-drinking continues to fall in young adults
Binge-drinking among young adults in Britain is continuing to fall, figures from the Office for National Statistics show.
Mark Easton, BBC, 13 February 2015

‘The government should butt out of parenting’
Nancy McDermott speaks to Lenore Skenazy, ‘World’s Worst Mom’, on her new TV show.
spiked podcast, spiked, 10 February 2015

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To build or not to build?

"The rules of the game at The Battle of Ideas makes beating about the bush impossible. When you are given 5 minutes to make your point, you either say something essential, or you reveal that you have nothing really to say. This eliminates 'the unbearable lightness' of speculation that haunts public debate."
Albena Azmanova, social philosopher, political commentator and activist

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