Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Recent Videos

17 10 15: Blurred lines: what is consent?

18 10 14: Hashtag Feminism: radical or banal?

18 10 14: Debating Matters Competition International Final 2014

18 10 14: Cotton-wool campus?

20 10 13: Is cheating ruining sport?

20 10 13: Pathologising Israel

20 10 13: First World War: the hundred years view

20 10 13: What is the secret of Scandinavian success?

20 10 13: Can you be a perfect parent?


"I have been doing the Battle of Ideas for a couple of years, but never before have I felt so heartened and so alive as the day ended. The spectacle of so many fascinating minds, none too proud to agree, none too modern to disagree, all at work on the most important questions of this rocky period: it's enough to make you believe there's hope for the species, yet."
Zoe Williams, columnist, Guardian; author, What Not to Expect When You're Expecting

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