Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.
19 10 13: Number crunching and ethics in the era of Big Data
19 10 13: Soul on the slab: is there no limit to what neuroscience can do?
19 10 13: 3D printing: a new industrial revolution?
19 10 13: Technology and sustainability: kill or cure?
19 10 13: Laptop University? The future of HE
22 03 13: Water, water, everywhere: not allowed to use it
21 10 12: Preservation or modernisation?
21 10 12: To build or not to build?
21 10 12: Urban hubris and the great inequality debate
"To contribute to Battle of Ideas is to add a few words to a giant, communal speech-bubble out of the gap-toothed mouth of British opinion. It is a strong reminder that the joys of free, uncalculated speech and the right to attack orthodoxies can in no way be assumed in 2012 – that we use them or lose them."
Piers Hellawell, composer; professor of composition, Queen’s University Belfast