Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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The truth about anti-tabloid hysteria
Many of the anti-Murdoch stories of the past year have been based more on rumour than reality.
Brendan O'Neill, spiked, 13 December 2011

We must be free and able to defend private lives against tabloid tyranny
The Leveson inquiry has shown the ravages of an unchecked media. Alas, privacy cannot be trusted solely to self-regulation
Timothy Garton-Ash, Guardian, 23 November 2011

It's Not Just the Tabloid Press That's on Trial
There is a system for ensuring that people's phones aren't hacked. It's called the law. If the police who were meant to be upholding it had acted on the evidence they had, then quite a lot of this horrible, ugly, shameful exploitation of what ought to have been private grief, and, in Grant's case, private joy, wouldn't have happened.
Christina Patterson, Huffington Post, 23 November 2011

Truth, lies and the internet
Truth, Lies and the Internet examines the ability of young people in Britain to critically evaluate information they consume online. The report reviews current literature on the subject, and presents a new poll of over 500 teachers. It finds that the web is fundamental to pupils’ school lives but many are not careful, discerning users of the internet.
Jamie Bartlett, Carl Miller, Demos, 29 September 2011

Defend a free press - don’t just guard the Guardian
Yes, the police threat to the liberal newspaper was outrageous – but who invited the authorities to crack down on the press in the first place?
Mick Hume, spiked, 27 September 2011

Who’s responsible for Govegate?
‘Government by Gmail’ is the logical end result of the rise and rise of the weird cult of transparency.
Patrick Hayes, spiked, 27 September 2011

Labour's odd plan to get bad journalists 'struck off'
Ivan Lewis has a proposal to clean up the press. Shame it's unworkable and illiberal.
Helen Lewis Hasteley, New Statesmen, 27 September 2011

No, I'm not kidding. We really have to defend the Guardian
As a result of the hysteria surrounding phone hacking the demise of a few more newspapers may be hastened. And free speech and plurality of opinion will go the same way.
Richard Littlejohn, Daily Mail, 20 September 2011

The evolution of a weird super-story
We are building a scaffold for investigative journalism out of the Dowlers’ suffering.
Sean Bell, Culture Wars, 16 August 2011

Will the dirty business of journalism survive hackgate?
These are uncertain times for journalists, not least those working at the Guardian stable, where the triumph of the phone hacking exposures has coincided with the announcement that the paper will now be a 'web first' news organisation.
Martin Bright, Spectator, 16 July 2011

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The empty square: the public engaged or imagined?

"The 2012 Battle of Ideas at the Barbican was the best ever. It was bustling with interesting people, punchy debates and new ideas. I can't wait for 2013's."
Philippe Legrain, adviser to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission

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