Festival strand: Special topical sessions
Throughout the weekend, we will have a special programme of informal conversations between Battle of Ideas speakers on topics in the news.
Hot off the press debates are full-length sessions.
Battle bites are short lunchtime discussions - grab a sandwich and join the debate.
All these special topical sessions are free and open to non ticket holders.
Saturday 18 October 2014
13.20 to 13.40 Garden Room
13.20 to 13.40 Conservatory
14.00 to 15.30 Hammerson Room
Sunday 19 October 2014
12.00 to 13.00 Hammerson Room
13.10 to 13.50 Free Stage
13.20 to 13.40 Conservatory
Our morals, their moralism?
"Although 'battle' suggests destruction, these were some of the most constructive debates I've taken part in. This was civilised conflict in the best sense of both words."
Julian Baggini, author, Welcome to Everytown: A Journey into the English Mind, and The Ego Trick