Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Latest Videos

2008: Caught in the Web - Rob Killick

2008: Caught in the Web - Cassandra Wilkinson

2008: The Credit Crunch Demystified - It's not a recession but a weakened economy

2008: Capitalism What Is it Good For? - Phillip Blond

2008: Capitalism What Is it Good For? - Sanjaya Baru

2008: The Credit Crunch Demystified - Michael Savage - Point your finger at China

2008: Your Culture or Mine? - Chris Frayling

2008: Candid Camera - Pauline Hadaway - Moral questions of Abu Ghraib photos

2008: Stealing Picasso? - Sandy Starr - Law needs to be tailored to digital


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