Frederick Engels
History maker or man of his times?
Sunday 28 October, 4.00pm until 5.30pm, Henry Moore Gallery Battle Talk

Frederick Engels is widely remembered as the sidekick of Karl Marx, but he was an important figure in his own right. As a fox hunting factory owner he was in some ways an archetypal upper class Victorian gentleman, and even his interest in social reform and the welfare of the lower orders was not unique. The nineteenth century was an age of political dynamism and change, and optimism about the future. It has even been argued that Marxism is a quintessentially nineteenth century ideology, with its sense of thrusting political agency and faith in the idea of human progress. A century and a half on, however, the lives and work of Marx and Engels remain of interest not only to those who are nostalgic for Communism, but to anyone interested in political ideas.

Is this interest merely historical, or are there lessons for our own very different times? In particular, what difference do individual thinkers and campaigners make? Are they merely vehicles for anonymous historical forces, as some Marxists have argued? Could Marx have written ‘Capital’ without the financial and intellectual support of Engels? Does it matter? How should we understand the interplay of individual lives, political ideas and the material world today?


Dr Tristram Hunt
broadcaster; lecturer in modern British history, Queen Mary, University of London; author, The Frock-Coated Communist: the revolutionary life of Friedrich Engels
Dr Michael Fitzpatrick
writer on medicine and politics; author, The Tyranny of Health
Bruno Waterfield
Brussels correspondent, The Times; co-author, No Means No

 Produced by

Claire Fox director, Academy of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive
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"The 2006 Battle of Ideas did what it said on the tin: prejudices were punctured, common wisdom was questioned and original thinking honoured. The saying was coined in Texas, but I suggest that the Battle of Ideas adopts it as the conference motto: ‘sacred cows make the best burgers."
George Brock, Saturday Editor, The Times