Professor Catherine Barnard

Catherine Barnard MA (Cantab), LLM (EUI), PhD (Cantab) is professor in European Union Law and Employment Law at the University of Cambridge, and senior tutor and fellow of Trinity College. She specialises in EU law and employment law. She is the author of EU Employment Law (Oxford, OUP, 2012, 5th ed.), The Substantive Law of the EU: The four freedoms, (Oxford, OUP, 2016, 5th ed), and (with Peers ed), European Union Law (Oxford, OUP, 2014). She advised the government on the Balance of Competence Review and has done a lot of work with the EU institutions.

Currently, Catherine is a senior fellow in the ESRC’s UK in a Changing Europe project where she is working with Dr Amy Ludlow on a project entitled: “Honeypot Britain?” The Lived experience of working as an EU migrant in the UK. She is looking particularly at the question of migrant workers’ access to benefits in the UK. Prior to the referendum much of her time was spent talking in town-halls across the UK, explaining in a non-partisan way what the EU was about, as well as doing media work offering similar explainers. She has also been active working with FullFact, a non-partisan, fact checking charity, fact checking claims about the EU.

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