Dr Kevin Yuill

Kevin Yuill researches and teaches intellectual history of the United States. He has written on the civil rights movement, Richard Nixon, social movements of the 1970s, immigration, identity and the development of race relations in the interwar period, African-Americans and guns and assisted suicide. His most recent book, Assisted Suicide: The Liberal, Humanist Case Against Legalization, is now available in paperback. He has written in the Independent, the Telegraph, the Spectator, the National Post, and the New York Times.

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Sunday 2 November 2008, 4.00pm Seminar Space
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Assisted Suicide: The Liberal, Humanist Case Against Legalization (2013, Palgrave Macmillan)
Richard Nixon and the Rise of Affirmative Action: The Pursuit of Racial Equality in an Era of Limits (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006).

 Festival Buzz

"For one weekend in the year, in the centre of London, it's as if ideas matter, it's as if the world really can be made a better place through the free and energetic exercise of reason."
Austen Ivereigh, Catholic commentator