Stefan Chatrath

Stefan Chatrath, born in 1976, is working as a research assistant at the Marketing Department of the Freie Universitaet Berlin since 2004. He holds masters degrees in Business Administration (from the Freie Universitaet) and in Economics (from the University of Birmingham). Chatrath is currently completing his doctoral dissertation in sport marketing. His current research interest, amongst others, is in the economics of doping. Quite recently he has contributed to Wer macht den Sport kaputt? Doping, Kontrolle und Menschenwürde, a book that questions the contemporary view of and discussions about drug use in sport. He is also free lance sports editor for NOVO Argumente Magazin.

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"For one weekend in the year, in the centre of London, it's as if ideas matter, it's as if the world really can be made a better place through the free and energetic exercise of reason."
Austen Ivereigh, Catholic commentator