Graham Ixer

Graham Ixer started his career as a school teacher before joining social work. He has taken many roles including a child protection social worker and manager before moving into teaching social workers.  After many years teaching and managing a social work department he moved in to policy joining the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW) and now the social work regulator the General Social Care Council.  He initiated a number of interprofessional initiatives bring together health, social care and education colleagues for the first time and working with a number of different central government departments on cross profession projects.  He led the work in England on developing the first ever Codes of Practice for social care.  In his current role as head of social work education he takes the strategic lead for ensuring standards in the training of social workers across the continuum. He is also an active teacher and researcher in social work and lectures in universities in the UK, Sweden, USA and Japan, in particular, contributed to a major teaching initiative bring nurses and social workers together for the first time.  He has published widely including his latest book on international examples of practice learning.  Graham is a member of the Partner’s Council at the Social Care Institute for Excellence.

 Related Sessions

Saturday 1 November 2008, 12.15pm Seminar Space
Social workers – PC do-gooders or progressive radicals?


Practice Learning: Perspectives on Globalisation, Citizenship and Cultural Change, Whiting & Birch, 2008.

 Festival Buzz

"Participating in the Battle was a little like entering a Bombay train at rush hour - it's a plunge into a swirl of wildly differing notions of how people should arrange themselves in a really tight situation. When you eventually emerge, you find that you're in a different place from where you started - and that you've been thoroughly energised from the journey. I can't wait to take the trip again next year."
Naresh Fernandes, editor-in-chief, Time Out India