Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Politics & Ideology

20 10 12: European Spring?

20 10 12: Europe's new far right, fear or fantasy?

20 10 12: One year on: assessing the state of the nation

20 10 12: What's wrong with equality?

20 10 12: Forced marriage to faith schools: the politics of multiculturalism

08 10 12: Riots and revolutions: Europe's young radicals?

30 10 11: Rise of European populism: the revenge of politics?

30 10 11: Has tolerance gone too far?

30 10 11: Sex in the brain: do men and women think differently?


"To contribute to Battle of Ideas is to add a few words to a giant, communal speech-bubble out of the gap-toothed mouth of British opinion. It is a strong reminder that the joys of free, uncalculated speech and the right to attack orthodoxies can in no way be assumed in 2012 – that we use them or lose them."
Piers Hellawell, composer; professor of composition, Queen’s University Belfast

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