Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.


29 10 11: The trillion dollar question: is the US economy resurgent or dependent?

09 11 09: America, Obama and the recession

04 11 09: Post-recession ideologies

16 05 09: The rise and rise of behavioural economics

16 05 09: Demystifying the crisis

16 05 09: Can the state save the economy?

02 11 08: What is China Thinking?

02 11 08: Eco-imperialism?

01 11 08: The Credit Crunch Demystified - The market has hollowed out


"Battle of Ideas could be called Search for Truth. Mundane consensus and conventional wisdom are the enemies of truth. Happily, neither of those are available at the Battle."
George Pitcher, journalist; Anglican priest, St Bride's Church, Fleet Street

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