Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Recent Videos

19 10 13: Free riders: cycle helmets and health and safety

19 10 13: What is addiction?

22 03 13: Water, water, everywhere: not allowed to use it

21 10 12: Looking back today

21 10 12: Are the kids all right?

21 10 12: Atheism: what's the point?

21 10 12: Research for the sake of it?

21 10 12: Taming tabloid tittle-tattle

21 10 12: Drink, smoke, eat: prohibition today


"The Battle of Ideas gives a forum for the most topical of debates and the healthy exchange of ideas - in our session what interested most was the contributions from the floor, also just the sheer buzz of the crowds in the foyers."
Jeremy Musson, writer and historic buildings consultant; former architectural editor, Country Life

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