Battles on Video

Battles on Video presents videos from previous Battle of Ideas festivals, interviews and opinion pieces by speakers and participants, as well as specially produced in-depth discussions.

Latest Videos

2014: Why are we afraid to judge?

2014: Multinationals: curse or blessing for the developing world?

2014: Hashtag Feminism: radical or banal?

2014: After Gaza: the return of anti-semitism?

2014: Judge rule: is the law taking over politics?

2014: 'Cinderella Law': criminalising parental authority?

2014: Immigration: who should control our borders?

2014: In conversation: Israel

2014: Feeding the world: can we engineer away hunger?


"I have never enjoyed being disagreed with so much."
Stephanie Calman, writer and broadcaster; founder, The Bad Mothers’ Club

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